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Edmonton Child Care Subsidy

Alberta Children and Youth Services provides financial assistance to help eligible low and middle-income families with the cost of using licensed or approved child care in Alberta. The amount of subsidy varies according to the number of people in a family, a family’s income, type of child care program and age of a child.

Child Care Subsidy

Helping you and your family with the cost of childcare
General Information
1-877-644-9992 toll-free in Alberta

Licensed child care or approved family day homes

Subsidy is available for children up to 12 years of age and not yet in Grade 7, who attend a licensed day care, group family child care, out-of-school care or an approved family day home. For more information about eligibility requirements go to:

Extended Hours Child Care Subsidy

Extended Hours Subsidy assists families with a valid reason for care during evenings or weekends to receive an additional $100 per month per child. More information is available at:

Stay-at-Home Parent Subsidy

A Stay-at-Home Subsidy is available for families where at least one parent stays at home to care for pre-school children (6 years and younger and not in Grade 1) and does not work or go to school for more than 20 hours per week.  More information is available at

Kin Child Care Subsidy

Kin Child Care Subsidy assists eligible families, with children 0-12 years of age and not yet in Grade 7, to pay a relative to care for their children.  More information is available at